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Wanna Go Gotta Go!

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A Message from our VP Recruitment 

Hi! My name is Kaitlyn Medvec, Alpha Chi Omega's current VP Recruitment, a position that I am so excited and honored to hold! Some of my duties include overseeing all recruitment operations, educating chapter members on membership standards, working with our VP DEI, VP Recruitment Information, and COB Chair, and attending Panhellenic meetings! Being a part of Alpha Chi Omega has been an incredibly supportive, unique, and fun experience! Going through recruitment myself, I met Sarah, the women who would eventually become my big. Sarah has been there for me since, always with a caring and loving attitude, making Alpha Chi feel like a real family. My biggest hope for you is that you find someone like Sarah; to be your friend, your big, and your sister. I can assure you that there are plenty of amazing women in Alpha Chi Omega who care for you the same way that Sarah has for me. I am so grateful for everything that Alpha Chi Omega has given me, and know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be! Although your experience here will be different from mine, it will be filled with the same love that I have found in the house! Thank you for your interest in going greek, and know that we can't wait to meet you in the fall!

A Message from our VP Recruitment Information 

Hi, my name is Isabella Ramos and I am Alpha Chi Omega’s 2024 Vice President of Recruitment Information! My position involves helping plan our recruitment schedule and work out the logistics so the process runs as smooth as possible for everyone involved! I wanted to be VP RI because I enjoyed being apart of formal recruitment and wanted to make an even bigger impact. I believe that Alpha Chi helps other women find a community of never ending support and sisterhood, which is why I wanted to take on a leadership position in the recruitment process! 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Our chapter is dedicated to being the most inclusive chapter that we can be. We have instated a Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (VP DEI), along with a DEI committee, that focuses on providing resources to the chapter and our community about creating an inviting and inclusive environment. We are able to do this via social media and workshops throughout the year. The committee continuously gathers information from the chapter to improve our inclusivity and guide the trainings. We also ensure every recruiter attends an implicit bias training every year to make a safer and comfortable environment for everyone.

“I am super excited to have begun this position and am looking forward to making our chapter have the best culture possible.” - Julia Most, VP DEI

Legacy and Recommendation Letters

Alpha Chi Omega does not have a policy or gives any preferential treatment to legacies during Recruitment. We do not require any type of recommendation letters, however we do still accept them. Go to our Alpha Chi Omega Website with the link down below to submit recommendation letters!

Continuous Open Biding (COB)

Alpha Chi Omega regularly participates in Continuous Open Biding each quarter after regular recruitment in the fall. The COB process gives girls an opportunity to more closely get to know our sisters and sisterhood. Many of the COB activities include one-on-one coffee chats, a house tour, and many bigger group activities!

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